This page has links to important GUGS documents, such as the constitution and the minutes from committee meetings, Annual General Meetings, and Extraordinary General Meetings. The files themselves are stored on a Dropbox, and you should be able to access and view them at any time.
The Constitution
The current Constitution can be found here. Constitutions dating from previous years can be found in this folder.
Membership Form
This is the form that members fill out to become members. For future years, there is an editable Word version available here.
The Frostbeard Expedition
Information for the frostbeard expedition event that GUGS is running will be put here.
Nationals 2015
Leicester have sent us the information pack for the Nationals this academic year.
Advice to the Committee
This helpful document has advice from the past regarding how each committee member should fulfil their role. It is being displayed here as it will provide a useful guide both to the existing committee and to those thinking of joining the committee in the future.
Written to the then-president in 2001, this letter discusses a pleasingly familiar set of problems. May future generations learn from the mistakes of the past and the present!
2015 - 2016
Minutes for Committee Meetings and the AGM of this year can be found in this folder.
2014 - 2015
Minutes for Committee Meetings and the AGM of this year can be found in this folder.
September 2014-November 2014
Committee Meetings and the EGM held at the start of this administration can be found in this folder.
November 2013-September 2014
Committee Meetings and the documents concerning this year's AGM can be found in this folder.
2012 - 2013
Minutes for the Committee Meetings and the EGM can be found in this folder, along with a discussion of Nationals costs, recommendations for "what worked well", and descriptions of how to be the Non-RPG Convener and Secretary.
2003 - 2013
Minutes for these years are currently missing.
1990 - 2003
Minutes for these years can be found in this folder.
The Constitution
The current Constitution can be found here. Constitutions dating from previous years can be found in this folder.
Membership Form
This is the form that members fill out to become members. For future years, there is an editable Word version available here.
The Frostbeard Expedition
Information for the frostbeard expedition event that GUGS is running will be put here.
Nationals 2015
Leicester have sent us the information pack for the Nationals this academic year.
Advice to the Committee
This helpful document has advice from the past regarding how each committee member should fulfil their role. It is being displayed here as it will provide a useful guide both to the existing committee and to those thinking of joining the committee in the future.
Written to the then-president in 2001, this letter discusses a pleasingly familiar set of problems. May future generations learn from the mistakes of the past and the present!
2015 - 2016
Minutes for Committee Meetings and the AGM of this year can be found in this folder.
2014 - 2015
Minutes for Committee Meetings and the AGM of this year can be found in this folder.
September 2014-November 2014
Committee Meetings and the EGM held at the start of this administration can be found in this folder.
November 2013-September 2014
Committee Meetings and the documents concerning this year's AGM can be found in this folder.
2012 - 2013
Minutes for the Committee Meetings and the EGM can be found in this folder, along with a discussion of Nationals costs, recommendations for "what worked well", and descriptions of how to be the Non-RPG Convener and Secretary.
2003 - 2013
Minutes for these years are currently missing.
1990 - 2003
Minutes for these years can be found in this folder.